This is the first online form you’ll need to fill in to get your tourist visa extension in Peru (screenshot from Migraciones website)
As of May 2018, you can now extend your Peruvian “tourist visa” (what is actually a Tarjeta Andina, or TAM entry-exit card) by applying online. This process if known as the Prórroga de Permanencia como Turista (“Extension of Permanence as a Tourist”) and can be carried out at the official Migraciones website.
So, for example, if you were given 30 or 90 days when you first entered Peru and later decide you want to stay longer, you can apply online for more time, up to an additional 90 days. Any extensions, of course, cannot pass the maximum allotted time in Peru (for a tourist), which is 183 days in a 365-day period. I highly recommend also reading How Long Can You Stay in Peru as a Tourist? as it clears up some of the oddities you might come across when dealing with Migraciones in Peru.
Before you carry on reading: I had a conversation with a guy from Migraciones a while ago (via Facebook messenger) about various errors and oddities in the online system, and conflicting info being given by Migraciones officials. And, according to him, only citizens from the Comunidad Andina and Mercosur nations (so some South American countries, basically) should be able to extend their stay in Peru online. The fact that many people from Europe, the USA and elsewhere have successfully extended their tourist visas online was a surprise for him and his colleagues, and they say they’ll look into it. So… it’s a bit of a mess. But for now at least, it seems like you can still extend your visa online, even though officially it shouldn’t work. You should go do the extension in person at a Migraciones office, but feel free to try either/both.
Requirements for Extending Your Stay in Peru
Before you try to extend your stay in Peru online, have a look at the requirements that need to be met according to the official guidelines for the Prórroga de Permanencia at the Migraciones website (click to open this in a new tab, as you’ll need it to fill out the extension application). Before you apply, you must have:
- The correct migratory status in Peru. Only tourists who have entered Peru with a standard Tarjeta Andina (TAM Virtual), and therefore have the official status of “temporary authorization to enter as a tourist,” can apply for this extension online. If you previously had to apply for a tourist visa for Peru at a consulate before you traveled, then this is not for you.
- A valid current status in Peru. In other words, you must not have already overstayed your initially allotted time in Peru when you try to apply for your extension. It will be rejected if you have already overstayed (you can read more about the Peru overstay fine here). And, as mentioned above, you must not have already spent more than 183 days in Peru during the current 365-day period.
- A valid passport (make sure it hasn’t expired).
- Your receipt for the payment of the visa extension process. Yep, it’s not free to extend your stay in Peru. But the good news is it only costs S/ 11.70 soles (about $3.50 US). You can pay this at any branch of the Banco de la Nación. Tell them you need to pay for the Prórroga de Permanencia, which has the code 1857. Keep the receipt safe. You can also pay online at the bank’s pagalo.pe website, in which case you’ll get the receipt by email.
For How Long Can You Extend Your Time in Peru?
According to Migraciones, you can extend your stay in Peru for a maximum of three months. Whether that is considered to be 90 days is unclear, but I’d imagine it is. And, again, remember that you cannot extend beyond the total time allowed in Peru, which is 183 days per 365-day period. If, for example, you were given 140 days when you entered Peru (not likely to happen, just theoretically), you’d only be able to extend for 43 more days, taking you to the 183-day limit.
Migraciones also notes that anyone wanting to extend their stay for more than three months (up to the 183-day max.) must first go to Interpol (in Lima) for clearance. Details on this are a little thin right now. I’ll update if I get some more info.
How to Do Your Tourist Visa Extension for Peru Online
OK, now that you’ve got your head around all of the above, it’s just a matter of heading over to the Prórroga de Permanencia en Línea (PRPL) page at the Migraciones website and filling in the form. Filling in forms at the Migraciones website is a notorious pain in the ass, however, so don’t expect it to be sooth sailing all the way.
First, click on the button that says Generar Prórroga (or click here). Now fill in all of the fields. It’s all in Spanish with no translation options, for now at least, so here’s a brief rundown of what you’re looking at:
- Documento — Select the type of document you used when you entered Peru, probably your passport.
- Número de Documento — Enter your passport number.
- Nacionalidad — Select your nationality from the drop-down menu.
- Primer Apellido — Your first surname. If you only have one surname, then enter it here.
- Segundo Apellido — Your second surname. Leave this blank if you only have one surname (it’s not a required field).
- Nombres — Your given name(s), exactly as they appear on your passport.
- Fecha de Nacimiento — Your date of birth.
- E-mail– Your email address.
- Días Prorroga Solicitados — The amount of additional days you are requesting. This should be up to a maximum of 90, as long as you’re not exceeding the 183-day maximum. If your request isn’t going through, try fiddling with the numbers (see comment below).
- Once you’re done, fill in the captcha and hit the Continuar button.
If some kind of miracle occurs, everything will work just fine and you’ll receive your requested extension. If so, you should receive some kind of certification with a code (which takes the place of the stamp you’d previously receive in your passport). But plenty of people have had problems completing the online extension….
Problems With the Online Visa Extension for Peru
If you receive an error message at any stage of the online visa extension process, don’t panic — plenty of people have run into problems (see comments section below for various examples). Error messages are common, including messages that say you don’t exist, or that your bank receipt number doesn’t exist, and other existential conundrums.
Sometimes people also try to extend their visa too early. I’m not too sure what the exact time frame is, but it seems best to extend when you only have 10 days, or maybe a couple of weeks, left before your current tourist visa expires.
If you do run into problems, feel free to ask in the comments section below. But a lot of these bugs are totally random and often the best way to get everything sorted out is to visit your nearest immigration office in Peru.
Tourist Visa Extensions in Peru for Your Kids
If you try to do the online extension for your child, and your child is 16 or under, you’ll get the following message: La prórroga de permanencia en línea no está habilitada para menores de edad, usted deberá acercarse a las oficinas de migraciones. (“The online extension of stay is not enabled for minors, you should go to a migrations office”).
In which case, make sure you’ve fulfilled all the requirements mentioned in the article above, and then go to your nearest Migraciones office to get the extension.
Have You Tried Doing a Tourist Visa Extension in Peru?
If you’ve tried doing your online tourist visa extension in Peru, I’d love to hear from you in the comments section below. Being a new system, it’s almost certainly going to throw up a few snags, bugs and oddities. If you have any questions about getting your tourist visa extension in Peru, feel free to ask.
Hey, first of all thank you for this so useful explanation! I entered Peru 2 days ago for the first time, from Israel. So I shouldn’t apply for visa. I got only 30 days, so I tried already today to go the bank and also to fill the online form. None of those were successful. Maybe because I just entered the country?
hello, can you help please? I am not able to click on continuar button at that Prórroga de Permanencia en Línea – PRPL
F-007 website. does it mean it is not working? thank you
Last post was April 21 2020
Here it is now Feb 7 2021
the comments are in lockdown, too?
I read here…
As a result of the Superintendency Resolution No. 104-2020-Migrations, the validity of temporary and resident migratory qualities has been extended, until the end of the state of emergency.
I do NOT need to apply for an extension.
But WHEN is the emergenecy gonna stop? My guess is… NEVER!
When I type the CAPTCHA and hit enter, I’m getting this message (this is April 2020, mid-Corona Virus quarantine) :
So… I need to go to an immigration office? (not sure how given we are in lockdown)
yes the government announced end of march that all govʻt offices / processes like these will be shut down till further notice. i squeezed my extension in online just before pheeww i have til june 8 but was planning on tryin online again a week prior or else was gona stay 3 months more anyways & just pay the fine when i leave.
i think that for now under these strange circumstances, they make an exception in these typse of cases but who knows right aloha from chicama
So……….. how is this all being affected by the Corona Virus? my initial 90 days will expire beginning of May – I want to stay another 90 days. But with quarantine I can’t be visiting Interpol and immigration offices etc. Nor are there any planes out of the country as of yet! Anyone else in same boat?
I renewed mine online 3 days ago. Same as before. Easy 👍
Hi Helen, I got a a message saying tourist visas can’t be extended (see my next post below) – did you encounter this too?
No I didn’t get that message. I successfully renewed. Maybe they have changed it now. Or maybe try to extend it for a shorter period? I only had to renew mine an extra month as I was already at 5 months. The borders are likely to be closed for a while yet, even if the movement restrictions within the country are lifted. And you have 45 days once the borders open to leave the country. So you will probably be able to stay another 3 months anyway?
I have the same problem Ven, except my 90 days expire in a few days and I am Belgium so the online option doesn’t work for me. Anyone knows if they will still make us pay the fine despite the country being closed?
thanks but could have been more specific about entries like which / where numbers for each entry & which type of permit. but im in after third try to get it all right. aloha
aloha all, so they almost didnt let me stay this time. just wanted to share my recent experience based on my experience last year. any feedback / advice is greatly appreciated.
last year was first time i stayed longer than 3 weeks. immigration gave me 90 days initially but i didnt know about that yet so i only read on the net prior to flying that i had 183 days, then at my 4th month, soneone on here said to check the number they put on my passport and noticed 90 days, uh oh, i was like worried & then i found out that i would just have to pay $1.25 per day when i leave country, so i just stayed the full 6 months, and ended up being directed to a window/desk to pay & i went home. easy enough. the lady said i could come back in the new year 2020. note: i stayed may – nov 2019. so i just came back and the immigration lady i got was a bit moody & looked over my record of last year & scolded & said she shouldnt let me in but she decided to give me a 30 day & i was planning another 6 months with extensions, which ive never done before. can i try an extrnsion anyways ? cuz i had plans here n hate to have to ho home in 30 days. didnt think i did anything wrong but now im not so sure. please advise thanks
Hi Aldo, and thanks for the info. You can certainly try to extend. Give it a go online (you might need to experiment a little with the amount of days you try to extend for) and if that doesn’t work try at one of the Migraciones offices (or vice versa). It’s really hard to say what will happen as it depends on how the system, or whoever you talk to, interprets the amount of days you’re now entitled to, considering the time you’ve spent here during your previous visits. But give it a go, for sure. Good luck! Tony.
Side note: for those of you who are planning to wait until a few days before your passport stamp expires, what do you plan to do if they deny your extension? Are you prepared to pay a high price for a plane ticket out of the country since you would be buying it with only a few days notice?
I arrived on January 4th 2020 and they gave me 90 days in my passport at the airport. That was fine with me but then February 1st my friend in Iquitos told me that his parents are having a 50th anniversary party at the end of April and they want me to go. I don’t really want to stay that long just to go to a party but it seemed important to him. I filled out my forms and paid my 11.70 online. The immigration website would not let me create an approval or appointment so I took all my paperwork to the immigration office in Miraflores. The guy couldn’t get my appointment to work either and he said that I had to wait until two weeks before my current time expires before I can apply for this extension. I decided to forego the party and just leave on time because I can’t wait until two weeks before my stamp expires. In case they deny me an extension I would end up paying a fortune in airplane tickets since I would be buying them at practically the last minute.
Hi Arnold. Yeah, I can see how that can be annoying, especially in your situation. But it seems that in most cases an extension is granted, even if not for the full extra 90 days, normally giving people enough time to sort out a decent ticket home. Thanks, Tony.
Thanks Tony. Just wanted to add for those who are having trouble that I wasn’t able to login until I put in 10days for the extension, my first AND middle name, and used my old passport number. Until I had done all of those things, the system would respond “No such person exists in our system”. Apparently they still are using my old passport number. May help some other people
Hi Tony,
I came to Peru in march 2019 and only stayed for two weeks. At the airport they didn’t ask anything and gave me 90 days. I came back to Peru in november 2019 and received 90 days (this time they asked how long I am staying and I will be staying here for a longer time). Soon my 90 days will run out and I would like to extend my visa. Is this possible because I didn’t stay for 90 days in March? Do they substract the two weeks from the 90 days they gave me in march or do they say that with 90 days in march and 90 days in november it’s not possible? Thanks!
Hi Timo. Honestly, I’m not too sure how they’ll see that. Logically, you still have two and a half months or whatever to use this year, in terms of you physically being in the country. But on their system they might see that you’ve already been given 90+90 days this 365-day period and say that you can’t have any more time in Peru right now. I’m not sure which they they look at it. Try extending online, starting with the max amount of time you’d like (89 days normally), and then reduce the amount and see if it will accept it. If that doesn’t work, go to a Migraciones office and see if they can sort you out. Thanks, Tony.
I am very grateful for this article as nothing else I found really helped much. I (think and hope I) have successfully extended my visa – by 89 days, as 90 wouldn’t work lol. I’ve only been here 55. It was a bit of a faff as you mentioned – autofills not working until the 4th or 5th attempt… I had to go get a Peruvian SIM card to register to pay online, and it timed out a couple of times, but fingers crossed it has worked now. Not entirely sure as the emails are in Spanish! Thanks again.
As the article says and other have mentioned, I couldn’t do it online even though all my info was fine. This freaking error every time. ERROR: NO SE PUEDE CONCLUIR CON EL TRÁMITE DEBIDO A QUE NO TIENE UN INGRESO REGULAR AL PAÍS
However, I was able to do it in the immigration office. Anyone who wants to do this, can go through the process here.
Hola! I’ve consulted this site and page multiple times and immensely appreciate the blog and information here – Thanks Tony. When asked about visa extension many people directed me to this page! I wanted to add my experience here.
This morning, my family and I just got our Duration of Stay (as US Immigration calls it) extended by 89 days. It took us only an hour and a half (we arrived before 8 am) at the Migraciones Office in Miraflores (Digemin – Ovalo Gutiérrez). We asked for an extra 4 days (to make the 183 days) and even showed them our return tickets but extension by 89 days was the maximum they could do at this office. We were told that if we leave the country and re-enter, then we get the total of 183 days at the airport.
My wife & son hold US passports, while my daughter and I are Indian citizens. Peru now allows Indian citizens who have valid US visas or Schengen visas to enter Peru without a visa.
The one lady at the reception, who spoke some English, was extremely helpful. She wanted us to first get an appointment and return, but when we told her that we had children, she obliged and made an appointment for us herself, and then led us to the immigration office.
At first they didn’t want to stamp our son’s passport as we didn’t have his birth certificate. We were told that minors are allowed to stay as long as the parents and to carry his birth certificate while exiting the country. But they later obliged and stamped his passport too.
Hi Prashanta. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience, it’s always interesting and helpful to hear what happens — especially as people have very different experiences with Migraciones in Peru. Thanks again, Tony.
Hello, I just followed your directions to extend a tourist visa (from the US) in the system, and it seems to have worked (just needed to make sure I put first/last names in the right place and payment codes in the right boxes, and I requested 89 days on top of original 90). I have the confirmations with extended dates and the page with the “Numero de Tramite” and “Aprobado.” Does that mean I am all set or does Migraciones still have to review and approve?
And does the TAM Verification system (via the link you shared) update to show the extended visa? If yes, how long would it take for the info to show there?
Thanks for your help on this!
Hi Charlie. Sorry about the late response. As it says “Aprobado” you should be fine. I’m not sure how long it takes to show up on the system, but I imagine it shouldn’t take long. Let me know if you’re having any issues. Thanks, Tony.
Thanks for the info Tony! I just completed this and had basically no issues.
Issues I did have:
1) I couldn’t create an account to pay online because it asks for a peruvian cellphone number. Paid in person with no problem.
2) On the last page before submission, I clicked the “regresar” button to go back and change some information. That seemed to screw up the system. I had to start a new session in incognito. After that it worked fine.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the info Ethan, glad to hear it worked out. Tony.
Little feedback since I successfully completed the registration online.
First before complete the online form, check the information that have been entered at you entry by the custom agent :
These shall match with what you will enter in the form.
Then for the number of days, the total number shall not exceed 90 days (I am french, for me it was the case).
I only had 45 days at the entry, I asked for 44 days since I saw that 89 days in total works.
And it did.
For the rest if you purchased the bolleto online, you shall enter the “secuencia de pago”, 6 digits for me, and the “cod control”, 6 digits with letters and number for me. These appear in the first page of the receipt.
Thanks for you help !
Thanks Thomas, much appreciated! Tony.
Thanks so much for the information. Everything worked perfectly, I paid the 11.70 soles in person and then extended online. I had the same error but then decided to try to enter my name without a hyphen (name is hyphenated). My 90 days expired the same day I paid for the extension, and I asked for 80 more days. If you get an error, try to change a letter because it is possible the banker misspelled your name.
By the way, about a month ago the Lima immigration office said I have 183 days and there should be no problems coming back but that is not the case, so be careful. I had a flight to leave and come back just to get some belongings and asked the immigration officer at the airport to confirm that there would be no problem coming back in a few days, and he said absolutely I would have problems I just completed my 90 days. He then showed me the computer screen and it confirmed that American citizens are only allowed 90 days a year, along with most of the other countries (I think besides Mexico which has 183 days). I explained that I was getting married in a few weeks to a Peruvian and he made a note of it but said to get an extension or visa to not have problems. I suggest to check with the airport because they seem to follow their own rules.
Hi Marie. Thanks a lot for the info. I’d love to see the information on the guy’s computer screen, because the official Migraciones website still says that foreign tourists are allowed 183 days per 365-day period. I’ll write to Migraciones again and try to get a proper confirmation. Cheers, Tony.
Thanks alot for the information. My girlfriend lives in peru and so I’ve been visiting peru I was in peru for 44 days in June and July and then returned in September to November for 66 days. I had to ask for a 20 day extension the second time because the agent at the Lima airport said I was only allowed 90 days but i was given the extension without problems. When I left immigrations in Miraflores the agent told me I shouldn’t have any problems returning since I had half a year but when I left
peru the agent in the Lima airport told me the same as Marie. That I only had 90 days but he said i could ask for a business visa if I wanted to come back since I was working remotely in peru as a programmer.
I am planning on coming back at the end of January but wasn’t sure if I would be allowed back in without Asking for a business visa at the nearest Peruvian embassy. I saw online where it has a PDF mentioning that US citizens only have 90 days here.
I guess I’ll have to call the embassy in Miami and find out if I will be allowed back in without problems.
Thanks for the info again. It has been helpful!
Hi Jameson. To be honest, the whole thing seems a bit of a mess right now. I’ve recently been debating updating this whole article due to the document that you mention (the 90 days max thing), but people are still extending beyond 90 days both at Migraciones offices and online. So yes, it’s definitely worth contacting your embassy to see what they say. Thanks, Tony.
Ok thanks for the info! I just bought a ticket for the end january because I also was asking around in a Facebook group for expats in Peru and everyone said I should be good for half a year. So I’ll let you know what happens when I get in Lima then. I’m just hoping everything goes well.
Well I arrived 2 days ago and the agent at the airport have me 90 days which I was surprised because I should only have 70 days left but I’m not complaining. So I’m a little confused about the process but I didn’t have any problems.
Tony, thank you so much for providing all this information. You have been extremely helpful to me. I just extended my tourist visa for 89 days. Some details that might be of use to your readers:
I’m Australian. I live in the US.
I flew into Lima on August 2.
I asked for six months at the airport immigration desk (knowing that Australians can stay for 183 days), but received only 90 days.
I waited until today, 82 days into my stay, to extend.
I checked the TAM database and found my info there, all correct.
I paid the 11.70 soles online at pagado.pe. I had to register with an email address and phone number. I don’t have a Peruvian phone, so I tried using my US number, but there weren’t enough characters, yet it worked just the same with the limited numbers it took (confirmation is through email anyway). I picked “Claro” randomly as my carrier from the dropdown menu. Got the registration code through email. No problems.
Selected “Prórroga de permanencia” (F-7, 01857) from the options under “Migraciones” (as others have mentioned, there is some extra parenthetical text saying it is for South Americans — you can ignore that, I did and it worked for me). From my shopping cart, I clicked to pay — “Pagar” — and got a “404 error” screen. Eventually it went away — about an hour later after trying dozens of times and changing browsers and devices. Don’t get discouraged! Tried paying with a Mastercard, but it said the card number was invalid. Used a Visa card instead and it went through perfectly first time.
I got the receipt/code through email as a pdf named “constancia”. You can see the same info on the pagado.pe site. It’s not obvious (at least not to me) but the important numbers you need from this receipt for the visa extension are at the bottom under the red text: “Sequencia de pago”, “Cód. control,” and “Fecha de Operación.” These numbers are not prompted with the same words on the actual visa extension site!
I asked for 89 days and got them, first time! The confirmation page asked me if I was happy with the extension to January 28. You bet! I accepted — and that was it. Got the pdf through email.
Apart from the problems registering, the problems with the 404 error, and the problems with the Mastercard, it was a surprisingly simple exercise. I used Google Translate a lot to make sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Phew! A relief for sure.
Thanks again, Tony!
Hi Pete. Good to hear it worked, and thanks a lot for the info, that’s definitely useful. Enjoy the rest of your trip! Tony.
Hi. I am a Canadian building a house in Northern Peru n arrived into Peru on 9 Oct 2019. I was granted a 90 Visa. I must leave on or before 6 Jan 2020. Unless I can apply for an extension on my Visa, paying fees at Banco de la Nacion, registering the payment n filling out the forms, I will have to leave the country.
My question is, do I have to leave for at least a 24hr period (or longer) or can I just exit n re-enter the country? As a Canadian, will I be able to get another 90 days Visa?
Thanks for any info you may provide in helping me clarify this.
Hi Delta. The old “border hop” process no longer works. But you can apply for an extension online or at your nearest Migraciones office. You’re allowed 183 days per 365-day period, so you should be able to get another 90 days (or 89, or whatever). Canadian’s should be able to extend. If you’re on the north coast then you can go to a Migraciones office in Trujillo or Chiclayo. There are others in cities like Iquitos and Tarapoto (where I live). Hope that helps. Thanks, Tony.
Thanks so much, Tony. I’ll let you know how things unfold.
aloha, im in peru for 183 days. im in my 6th month & wondering how manys day til i can re-enter peru ? id like to stay another 6months. appreciate an answer cuz hard to google search it. your article was one of the few good results aloha
Hi Aldo. You have to be out of Peru for 6 months officially, as you’re allowed 183 days per 365-day period. Thanks, Tony.
mahalo tony. so does that mean i can return in jan 2020 ?
also, my first time this long in peru & never noticed the 90 days written on my passport entry stamp, til about a month ago which was 5 months into my stay, what do you advise on me handling this ? wait n pay my fee on my exit before the 183 days ? or go migraciones office & handle it there ? also what if i overstay the 183 days ? does it go negative on my record ? will i be penalised n not let back in to peru ? i started my nacionilcasion process but wasnt able to complete it in time. my mom is peruvian in usa R.I.P mami any advise would help mahalo in advanced aloha
Hi Aldo. There’s more info about this here: http://newperuvian.com/how-long-can-you-stay-in-peru-as-a-tourist/
If you were given 90 days originally, then you’ll have to pay the overstay fine when you leave (which will be for almost 90 days I guess, if you’ve now been here for almost six months total). So you can pay that fee when you leave the country, at the airport. It should be straightforward. You could also overstay the 183 days and just pay more when you leave. As far as I know, that shouldn’t have a negative effect on your record when you come back to Peru (but it’s tough to say that for certain, as the rules are kind of muddled in Peru). Whenever you leave, you’ll then have to be out of the country for six months before you return — so you can come back in May, roughly, if you leave this month. Does that make sense? Thanks, Tony.
absolutely. mahalo for your help confirmin my suspisions. sounds all good. c u in may 2020 😉🤙🏽🌊🇵🇪
I’d like to leave my recent experience here just in case it’s helpful for anyone else:
I spent roughly 90 days in Peru in March-April-May of this year (2019). After spending June-July-Aug and half of Sept in the United States (so more than 90 days out of Peru), I flew back to Lima.
I asked for 90 days at the immigrations desk at the Lima airport. However, the officer told me that the limit was only 3 months for a tourist visa! I explained to him that I believed the limit was 183 days in 365 days, but he said no — that the law had changed, and it was only 3 months now.
After some back and forth, the immigration officer gave me a 30-day tourist visa and said I could go to Migraciones to apply for an extension if I wanted more time. All in all, a pretty dispiriting but also confusing arrival — if I had already met the 3-month limit, why/how would he give me 30 more days?
Fortunately, in the end I was able to successfully apply for an extension on the Migraciones website and received the maximum amount of time left for me (which ends up being 65 days more). Note: I received an error message when applying online until I realized I needed to put both my first AND middle name in the first name box on the online application form, as that is how the immigration officer entered my info into the system apparently.
Hope this is helpful for someone if they find themselves in a similar position in the future.
Tony, thanks for the invaluable resource that is this website + comment section! It helped me greatly. Cheers!
Thanks for the info Jordan, much appreciated. I’m really not too sure what’s going on right now with some officials saying it’s now only three months. As far as I’m aware, the law hasn’t changed in any official way. And if it had, they wouldn’t still be letting people extend in some of the Migraciones offices or online. Bit of a mess, as always. Thanks again for the info. Cheers, Tony.
This was a super helpful article. I was able to extend online using your directions. The only thing I have to add is that the maximum extension is 89 days not 90. If you enter 90 days it gives an error saying you need to go to an immigration office.
Thankyou so much! This was invaluable! FYI, the problem with the Capture screen is it shows uppercase letters, but you need to type them in lowercase. Hope this helps someone else in future.
Thanks Joel.
What happen if it get denied
Do you have to leave or can you just overstay and pay the fine
Hi Bob. Do you mean if you get denied with the extension? If that’s the case, then yes, you can stay in Peru and pay the fine when you leave. Thanks, Tony.
I arrived in Peru last week and got a visa for 90 days at the airport. when I try to extend my visa with the maximum length of 183 days, I got this message : ERROR: NO SE PUEDE ASIGNAR PRORROGA. LOS DIAS TOMADOS DEL PERIODO SOBREPASA LOS DÍAS DE PERMISO DEL PERIODO. I’ve tried to put other amounts to see if it change something, but I always got the same message. I personally go to the immigration, and they told me that I cannot stay more longer than 90 days, but when I go to the migration website, it says : Foreigners entering Peru with migratory quality of tourists may have a maximum stay of 183 days over the course of a year.
Do you have any idea how I can fix this ?
Thanks in advance
Hi Jonas. Unless they’ve just changed the law, you should be entitled to another 90 days (or up to 183, as it says on the Migraciones website). They’re a mess, to be honest, so it’s rarely easy for me to give people a 100% certain answer with anything involving Migraciones. According to article 29 of Decreto Legislativo N°1350, tourists are allowed to stay for a maximum of 183 days. If they changed that, I’m pretty sure they’d have to publish that information in the state newspaper, and it would be big news. Which Migraciones office did you go to (which city)? It’s a national holiday today in Peru so I imagine Migraciones offices will be closed today, but I’ll go to the office here in Tarapoto on Monday and ask what’s going on. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for your answer. Actually I don’t understand the situation either. It really says on the website that tourists should be allowed to stay up to 183 days. I was in Migraciones from Chiclayo, and they show me there a list of country with the allowed days permitted. I’m from Belgium and for “tourist” purpose it was written 90/180 (90 days every 6 months). It really will change my trip as if I can’t stay more than 3 months, I have to change country for about 3 months or pay a fee. As I change city tomorrow, I wont have the time to go to the Chiclayo office again. Anyway thanks for your help and for the time you give to all of us travellers ! cheers
Hi Jonas, so I had the same problem with visa extension – the online application had the same error as yours and whatever I’ve tried, it didn’t let me through. I found on wikipedia, that Schengen countries have only 90 days within 180 day period (I am from the Czech Republic). But I was determined not to give up (my 90 visa will expire in one week), I went to Lima to the Migration Office in Miraflores (for anyone trying to find it – it’s exactly where google maps tell you, in the middle of the roundabout, you have to go to the underground garages) and I got it done! without any problems or questions, they gave me 89 extra days, stamp in my passport and I was on my way in about half an hour (even though Í didn’t have an appointment). So I guess it really depends on the officer…
Thanks for the update Bee. As you say, it should be possible to extend for an additional 90 days, online or if that doesn’t work at a Migraciones office (if they know what they’re doing….). Tony.
Thank you for your answer, glad it works for you. I’ll try to do the same in a month, thanks for the recommandation!
Also, it can be kept in mind that if you do stay beyond your 183 days you only have to pay a tax of 4.20/soles per day beyond your limit. I have been dealing with migraciones the past few weeks trying to get an extension to my visa while I wait for my work contract. I will surpass 183 days in September. It seems the only resolution beyond 183 days is don’t leave until you’re ready, and pay the tax when you leave.
Hi I enteres with a 30 day visa bc they the person I got did not want to give me more. I did the 90 day extension online and it will finish in a couple of weeks. Can I do it again since I havent been here the 180 days.
Hi Frank. Yes, you should be able to get about 60 more days. Thanks, Tony.
A cautionary tale. I decided to apply for my 90 day extension today but kept getting the error USTED NO CUENTA CON UNA PERMANENCIA VIGENTE PARA REALIZAR ESTE TRÁMITE. (YOU DO NOT HAVE A CURRENT PERMANENCE TO PERFORM THIS PROCESS) Then I happened to look at my passport entry stamp – the agent gave me only 60 days! (instead of 90) So my visa essentially no longer exists and hence can’t be extended. This is awkward, since I already have friends on their way and Airbnbs reserved for the next couple of months. So it appears my best (or only?) option is to pay the fine when I leave the country. If it’s really only S/4.20 per day then I feel I got off lucky. Is there somewhere official online that I can verify that that’s the only penalty?
Hi Dave. Thanks for the info. Yes, you might as well just pay the fine when you leave. Officially the fine is 0.1% of the UIT (Unidad Impositiva Tributaria, a tax thing) per day. The UIT for 2019 is 4,200 soles, so the fine is still 4.2 soles per day. Rules here: https://www.migraciones.gob.pe/index.php/control-migratorio-de-salida-de-extranjeros/ (they haven’t updated the UIT on this page, but it is still S/4,200). Thanks, Tony.
Hello, is online the only way to extend the visa or is there a office (in cusco) where you can go?
Hi Naja. You can go to an office to extend your visa. There’s one in Cusco and in a few other big cities. See this article: http://newperuvian.com/immigration-offices-in-peru/. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony, my visa expires in a week. If I extend it now –a week prior to expiry–, will I ‘lose’ those days or will my extension just start when my 90 days end at 24 june?
In other words, if I want to stay as long as I can in Peru, should I wait with extending until the last days before my expiry?
Greetings and thanks for your work
Hi Gan, and sorry about the late reply. Hopefully you got this sorted out. The extension should start on the day (or day after) your initial 90 day period ends. Thanks, Tony. If the person you deal with tries to do it before then, tell them not to — ask for it to begin on the expiration day. Thanks, Tony.
Thanks Tony, I ended up being too late with the extension because I didn’t count the days, I assumed just three months so I overstayed my visa for a few days accidentally.
So for all travelers: don’t make the same mistake: count the days of your stay instead of saying “I start 25 may so I have three months until 25 august”
Anyway its not a very big deal, Migraciones in Cuzco just said go to Bolivia and pay the fine and come back with a new 90 days (fine = appr 4/5 soles a day).
To be able to manage the extension of permanence process, the administrator must:
Have a regular income to Peru. IMPORTANT
Have a current stay.
Fill correctly the data requested by the form of the MIGRATIONS website.
Have receipt of payment from the Banco de la Nación for the concept of extension of permanence.
I got a “not for minors” error despite being of age.
Thank you for the great information. When I first came to Peru the lady at the boarder only gave me 50 days, even though I asked for more and was planning on staying longer. So I first applied for an extension in February and received 89 days, then again in May and receive my last 44 more days.
Both times the process was very smooth and I had no problems I couldn’t work through my self. I highly recommend just going to the bank and paying, as it saves time and a head ache trying to pay online. Then just follow the steps above and on the website and you should be good to go!
I also was not sure if it would let me extend a second time, but there was no problem at all.
Thanks again!
Thanks Renee! Glad to hear it worked out. Tony.
Just an update on the 183 days. I entered Peru in January 2019 and was given 183 days. My wife got sick and we had to return to the U.S. in May, but I came back to Peru two weeks later to finish some stuff up. When we left Peru I asked the immigration officer if I would have an issue coming back. He said as of 2019 U.S. citizens can only get 90 days per year in the country and the officer in January made a mistake by giving me 183. I checked every website I could find and also called my local Peruvian consulate. The consulate told me 183 per year as did the embassy website. When I arrived back in Peru today, the border agent informed me it is only 90 per year. I showed her my emails with the consulate and the document I printed from the embassy. She said that was an old doc and showed me an updated one that showed 90 days for U.S. citizens. Luckily she gave me a stamp for 15 days since I have already stayed more than 90 this year.
Hi Sam. I haven’t heard anything about it now being 90 days max in Peru per year for US citizens. So I’d be interested to see this document that she showed you. Just in the last few days I’ve heard from US citizens who have successfully extended for an extra 90 days (after an initial 90 days). But the whole thing seems to be such a mess right now, it’s hard to say for sure. Thanks for the info, I’ll see if I can find out any more. Tony.
This worked great, even being from USA! I tried first using pagalo.pe, created an account, selected what I wanted. But all I ended up with was a ticket to pay, but couldn’t figure out how to actually pay it! So I gave up on that and just went to the bank in person, paid cash and got my receipt. Then went to Migration website, filled in the online extension form and entered in the receipt info. I immediately got my approval document as a PDF attachment in an email. Easy peasy. Reminder… make sure you take your passport to the bank. They’ll ask for it when you pay and it will be printed out on your receipt.
Hi Suzann. Glad to hear it all worked out. Thanks! Tony.
Hello Tony, thank you so much for this post! I wanted to let you know that my husband and I followed your directions and today we were able to extend our visas on line with no problems (we’re from the US and still have about 45 days before our visas expire). However, we also have our children with us so we got the “edad” error and went to the Migraciones office in Arequipa to extend theirs. Unfortunately, they said that we needed to have an appointment in order to process the request.
From what I was able to understand (my Spanish is pretty basic), all I need to bring to the appointment is the receipt for the Prórroga de Permanencia fee and copies of their passports and our passports. Is there anything else that we would need that I may have missed? Thankfully we have plenty of time before our visas run out but I prefer not to spend that time at Migraciones 🙂 Thanks in advance!
Hi Kristen. I think you’ll need the Banco de la Nacion receipt, original passports and copies of the passports, and I think you still need Formulario F-007 (which you can probably get there or print out here https://www.migraciones.gob.pe/formularios/f-007.pdf). The Migraciones website also says you need your Tarjeta Andina, but since that’s been digitized I can’t see why you’d be expected to take it (and they should be able to print it out there if necessary). That should cover it. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks, Tony.
Thank you for all the info on this website.
Do you maybe know if it’s possible to fly within peru if I overstay my visa?
And have you heared about people who did a visa run recently, after their 180 days stay in peru? I know it should not be possible, but I wander if I have any chance..
Thanks a lot!
Hi Mvg. You shouldn’t have any problems flying inside Peru if you’ve overstayed. They don’t normally check your visa, just your passport, so as far as I know you shouldn’t have any problems. As for doing a visa run/border hop, I haven’t heard of anyone doing it recently, and it’s unlikely that it would work. Thanks, Tony.
This is great! BUT i have a question about how many times we can enter the country in a year before using up the 183 days. My husband and I are traveling in our vehicle from the US to Argentina and want to spend the maximum time we can in Peru. Our plan is to enter by car, stay a month or so, then fly back to the US to visit family, fly back to Peru and spend another month or so before going to Bolivia, then we want to come back to Peru and spend the rest of our allowed time there before heading to Argentina. Does the immigration system keep goo track of the actual number of days you have been in the country? Meaning that as long as we have not exhausted our 183 days, we should be able to enter the country 3 separate times in one year? Thanks!
Hi Marissa. You shouldn’t have any problems entering Peru three separate time in a 365-day period, as long as you don’t go over the maximum 183 days. There’s always a chance you might get an immigration officer who is less than helpful and wants to give you a hard time, but in the end you are entitled to your 183 days per 365. Thanks, Tony.
What happens if you stay longer in Peru than 189 days. Do you have to pay a fine or do you get more serious problems?
You just have to pay the fine when you leave, which is around 4.20 soles for every day you’ve overstayed. You won’t have any problems as long as you can pay the fine. Thanks, Tony.
Thank you Tony!
Where do you have to pay that? On the airport or is there a possibility to clarify this before you go to the airport?
Thanks again!
I’m pretty sure you can only pay it at the airport (or any overland border crossing). It’s normally straightforward, but get to the airport a little earlier than usual just in case.
Yes, that’s exactly what he told me. England and maybe Australia (or Austria? ) . Though he didn’t seem to have a reason.
As I am in Cusco with a bit of time to kill it wasn’t too much hassle but would recommend anybody in the same situation to get to Migraciones for 8am opening as it gets busy and a bit chaotic and frustrating as the day goes on.
Although it didn’t work for me this page was still very helpful. An American friend followed the guide and it worked fine. Thanks Tony
OK, thanks a lot for the info. It’s random as hell, but I’ll try to find out of it’s actually correct or not. Migraciones officials do sometimes come out with some weird made-up stuff when they don’t actually know what’s going on. Cheers, Tony.
Yeah, it seemed odd to me, will be interesting to see what you find out.
Just been having a long conversation with a guy at the Migraciones Facebook page. What a mess. He says that only citizens of the Comunidad Andina and Mercosur nations (so some South American countries, basically) can extend online. I told him that previous announcements from Migraciones never mentioned that, and that hundreds of people from Europe, the USA etc are also using it successfully, and he was kind of shocked. They say they’re going to look into it. So it sounds like your guy in Cusco was kind of correct. So will have to wait and see what happens now….
Yes it definitely doesnt work for UK citizens online. I am receiving the same error message, hopefully I will be able to extend in person in Trujillo in a few days. Thank you for this helpful webpage though!
Hey, maybe I missed this Info somewhere but it’s not possible to extend online if you are from the UK. I kept getting an error message so went to migraciones in Cusco where they explained this to me. But 5 hours later I have 89 more days on top of the original 90 I was given. A long day but desired result.
Hi Cuz. Did they actually tell you at Migraciones in Cusco that you can’t extend online if you’re from the UK? Because that doesn’t sound right at all. At least, I’m from the UK and I’ve never heard anything about that. It would also be very random (unless it’s some kind of Brexit witchcraft….). Thanks, Tony.
Same problem can’t even book an appointment online
Hey, I have 6 days on my Visa in Peru, I’m Canadian and when I try to extend the period online I get tis error message: ERROR: FECHA DEL PERIODO HA VENCIDO. NO CORRESPONDE CÁLCULO DE PRÓRROGA. I read in the comments above that I should take an appointment online but they are asking me for a DNI number to make an appointment. What is a DNI number and how to I get one?
Hi Miriam. It could be a bug — other people have received this message before with no apparent reason why. A DNI is an ID card that Peruvians have. There should be an option in the drop-down menu for you to select passport, and then proceed from there. Let me know if you’re still having problems. Thanks, Tony.
Hey tony. Thanks for all the info. One last question. I’ve paid the fee. And completed all the steps you have listed. Hit continue.and it worked!! But your instructions stopped there. Now I am to enter in receipt #. Digit of verification and date of receipt. It offers a sample picture of receipt. But mine doesn’t look anything like that. So I am unable to find on my receipt the receipt # and the digit of verification. Can you please advise? Thank you
Okay I figured it out. On the online receipt. The receipt number and digit of verification is the unmarked numbers and letters on the bottom of the final receipt you receive. Underneath the “importe total”
I now have 59 more days in peru!!
Hi Floyd. Glad to hear you got it sorted, and thanks for the info! Cheers, Tony.
Hi Thomas. It depends what error message you got. But the best thing to do is go to your nearest Migraciones office and get them to help you sort it out. The online system has quite a few bugs. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for such helpful article. I am going to apply for myself and my one-year old son and am wondering if the online system allows an application for both of us at once or separately. The reason I’m asking is to know if I pay the fees in one invoice or separate invoices. Thanks again.
Hi Rasa. I imagine you’ll have to do them separately, so probably best to pay twice so you have the individual payments. The online system will probably be more friendly that way. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony,
Thank you for your time and help. I was able to process my visa application in less than five minutes. But, for my one year old son, this is what happened.
I will go to the immigration office. Just thought to share it to add to the valuable information you have provided.
Hi Rasa. Thanks a lot for the info, that’s something I hadn’t thought of before. Cheers, Tony.
Yes: “F-7: Solic.Visas/Prorroga Permanencia/Residen/Permi” .
Hm, OK. I’ve checked the codes for Banco de la Nacion. And you’ve got the correct code, but what you’ve paid — S/.25.60 — is the cost of the prórroga de residencia, not the prórroga de permanencia. So, despite having the correct code and having actually paid more than necessary, the Migraciones website is saying that the amount you have paid doesn’t correspond to the thing you’re trying do do (prórroga de permanencia). So I’m guessing if you go pay for the same code again, but make sure it’s for the 11.70 soles, then it should work. Annoying, but kind of common when dealing with this kind of stuff in Peru. I doubt if Banco de la Nacion would be willing to help out with some kind of refund, but it might be worth asking. Thanks, Tony.
Thanks, Tony. I’ll go back to the Banco de la Nation here in Miraflores on Monday and get the correct designation. I’ll let you know what happens when I retry the Migracione web site. Paul
Success! Now a new issue – my partner is also applying for an extension of the initial prorrogar (which we’re within until March 3) and an extension for 40 days. While his TAM is accurate, the online site says ERROR: FECHA DEL PERIODO HA VENCIDO. NO CORRESPONDE CALCULO DE PRORROGA. Any thoughts on this situation? Thanks, Tony.
Hi Paul. Sorry about the late response. Did you manage to get this sorted out?
Yes, we did. My partner thought it best not to leave the matter till we got to the airport. So he went to Migracion in Brena (early like some of your other readers suggested) and went through a multi-station process to get the extension. But arrive before 9:00 am.
Hi Tony – I have found your information extremely helpful. My partner and I are Canadian and when we arrived on December 4, we were given a 90 day visa with the advice that we needed to extend our visas online to our flight return date of March 31, 2019. So earlier this month, I went to Banco de la Nacion and paid for the Proroga. The bank attached their fee and their total on my receipt is S/.25.60. In applying online today, I got all the way through to the end of the online pages and got this message: EL IMPORTE DEL RECIBO INGRESADO NO CORRESPONDE AL MONTO DE LA TASA PARA ESTE TIPO DE PERMISO. Any suggestions on what to do?
Hi Paul. What does it say on your receipt (code, what it’s for etc.)? Because as far as I’m aware, the extension should still cost 11.70 soles, and not S/.25.60. So maybe you paid for the wrong thing at the bank? Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony – The receipt code is 01857 which I believe is the correct code. Paul
That’s strange, because it should still be 11.70 soles, according to the Migraciones website. Does it say Prórroga de Permanencia on the receipt? I assume it does, because the code is correct. It might be best to go to your nearest Migraciones office and ask there. Thanks, Tony.
hi i was given 90 days upon entry to peru and now when i try to extend via the website everything goes fine except for the fact that it says my extension is only 19 days. is there any way that i can change that or anything i can do?
Hi Cody. How long have you got until your current tarjeta andina expires? If you’re trying to extend well in advance of your expiry date, then that could be the problem. Or it’s just a quirk with the website — it seems to have a lot of them. In that case, the best option is to go to your nearest migraciones office. Thanks, Tony.
Me and my partner are here from the UK and have only just realised we were only given a 30 day visa. We have been here 25 days and when we apply online it comes up with the same message as Tom (comment above): PARA CIUDADANOS CUYA NACIONALIDAD REQUIERE VISA DE TURISTA NO PROCEDE ESTE TRÁMITE EN LÍNEA.
Do you think this is because we have left it do late to apply online/apply at all?
Annie and Harley
Hi Annie. So after you see that message, can you not then proceed to the application? Because that message is just telling people who need an actual tourist visa (something you have to apply for before you come to Peru) rather than a TAM (the entry/exit thing that you want to extend) that they can’t do that via the website. So I’d imagine you should be able to close that warning message and then continue as normal. Is that not the case? Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your reply. No, you can’t get past that message, we’ve both tried multiple times.
If we do have to end up going in person, where is the right place to go? We’re in Lima.
Strange. Because I’m sure you’re not too late. The office you need is the main office at Prolongación Av. España 734 in Breña. Easy enough to get to, but can take a while to see someone. Opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday, I think. Let me know if you get a decent answer. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony,
We went to get it sorted out today. We arrived at 8am and had to go to a few different desks but got seen pretty quickly and were out by 9.30 (lots of people started arriving around 9 so would definitely advise going as early as possible.)
They extended our visas for 90 more days, which is great. We asked if we could then extend it again and they said yes. And apparently it should work online next time (he didn’t know why it didn’t work the first time).
We also asked about leaving Peru and coming back in and they said that was also fine.
So all in all good news for travellers everywhere! Thanks again for the advice, we couldn’t have done it without your website!
All the best,
Found the Peruvian website rather useless. After 30 minutes of entering and re- entering my information, they could never find a record of me.
Dear Tony and Michael,
My girlfriend arrived 6 weeks before me. (and received the 40 days at the airport instead of my 90 days). Does that explain the message?
By the way she had 14 days remaining when she successfully renewed today.
Greetings, Peter
Hi Peter. It could explain it. How many days do you have left in Peru before your current period ends? I’m 98% sure you can only do the extension within a certain amount of time before your current period ends, which could possibly be two weeks.
Hey. I’m from the UK trying to extend my Tourist VISA for an extra 90 days or so. I have managed to pay the Banco Nacional the 11.70 but when entering my information the I get an error message that is roughly translated to ‘Countries that need a tourist VISA cannot proceed online’.
Has anybody had this one before?
Hi Tom. That’s strange. That error should only appear if you’re from one of the countries that requires an actual visa rather than the more simple TAM entry/exit card. So, being from England, you shouldn’t have any problem. Is it an actual error message, or can you close it and then proceed as normal? Cheers, Tony.
Hi. Has anyone seen and understood the following error? I’m here on 90 days, but still have 20 days and I’m trying to extend it 14 more days.
Hi Michael, I just got the exact same message today and also have no idea what it means as to why I got it but my girlfriend did manage to extend her visa online. Hopefully someone else can help us.
Hi Michael, Peter. For some reason it has a problem with your dates. I guess in Michael’s case it could be because you’re trying to extend too long before the expiration, although 20 days doesn’t seem unreasonable. I’m not sure how long before the end of your allotted time you can apply for the extension. Peter, did your girlfriend enter Peru on the same date as you? Cheers, Tony.
Hi. I just wanted to give an update. I waited until I had less than 14 days remaining on my Visa, but I continued to receive the same error message.
I went to Migrations last weekend to try to get information on the error, but they weren’t sure why I was receiving it and suggested that I could just pay the fine when leaving or if I wanted to I could request an appointment online. I went ahead and requested an appointment online for today. My appointment was scheduled during the 8-9am period and I arrived a little after 8am and I was done by 9am.
Hi Michael, and thanks a lot for the update. It’s kind of bizarre that they suggested you overstay and pay the fine when you leave. But glad to hear you got everything sorted. Thanks again, Tony.
Hey Tony! Thanks for the info, it worked perfectly for me 🙂
I made the payment online on the pagalo.pe website. I saw the info in the brackets “para paises de America del Sur, segun acuerdos bilaterales o multilaterales” (and I am from Hungary) but decided to ignore it and it worked.
Thank you!
Hi Gabi. Thanks a lot for the info. That’s interesting to hear that it went through OK even with the warning about it being for South Americans only. Cheers, Tony.
Hey Tony,
This was so helpful. I had no idea I could extend before stumbling across your article. I have an Australian passport, and your instructions worked perfect for me first time. Much appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Hi Coralie. Good to hear it all worked out easily. Have a good trip! Tony.
Great article with clear information! I am a US citizen and recently re-entered Peru from Colombia after being here for about 45 days in the past 365 days. The immigration officer said, “Oh you have almost been here two months; you can only be here for 90 days so I will only give you 30 more days”. I asked for 90 days arguing that I could stay 183 days in a 365 day period and he said no- only 90 days; a second staff member agreed with him. This was on Dec 10th,2018. So I went to the migracion website to try extend my visa as laid out in your article; I first paid the banco de la nacion fee online form 1857. However when I entered my information into the website, I got the following message “ERROR: NO SE PUEDE ASIGNAR PRÓRROGA. LA FECHA DE SALIDA EN EL PERIODO ACTUAL ESTA EN VENCIMIENTO”. I tried every combination of days and continued to get the same message. I’m very confused as my visa is most definitely not expired. Has anyone seen this before? Any advice? Many thanks!
Hi Molly. A lot of people seem to have problems with the online system. But I don’t think I’ve heard of this error before. If you’ve tried entering various different days and none of them are accepted, then I’m not sure what’s going on. Probably best to go back to an immigration office and have another go. Because you are entitled to the 183 days per 365 day period. Beyond that, I can’t really help too much — you just need to try again at an office and hope you get someone who knows what they’re doing. But let me know if you run into more problems. Thanks, Tony.
Hey Tony!
Thank you so much! I know a lot of people had problems but this was insanely easy for me, thanks to this post. Hardest part was waiting at most one hour in a cue at the bank to get the receipt. Two minutes to buy the Prórroga. 5 minutes online getting my extension. Other relevant info, I’m an Australian, first time in Peru on 90 day tourist visa, had 9 days left on my visa. Applied for 59 days, website told me I could apply for me as many as 89. I included the letters that are in front of my passport number (i.e. for Australia PA*******).
Hope this helps someone and thanks again 😁😁😁😁
Thanks Zeb! Good to hear it all worked out OK. Cheers, Tony.
Both article and replies in here helped me a lot (thanks :)), so let’s add what happened to us.
We entered Peru last week and we only got 60 days at the immigration desk at the airport, while we knew we could get 90 days. The immigration officer said we can only get 90 days a year and that we had been in Peru already 2 months in 2018 (our previous stay in Peru was already 7-8 months ago, which in theory should not be a problem). For Europeans the standard rule is 90 days in a 180 day period. I never heard of the 90 days/year rule.
In Pucallpa I started reading this information. I went to a local banco de la nacion (the website rejected our mastercards, still don’t understand why) and I did the process as described here. We didn’t have problems filling out our data, but the website had a problem with one code on the receipt of the bank: the code with the date.
The next day we went to the immigration office in Pucallpa city, where a lady said to us that we could only apply for the extension ONE WEEK BEFORE THE EXPIRATION of the allowed term. She made a different calculation and she said that we could even extend with 60 DAYS, which seems very unlikely given the 90 Days within 180 days rule. And so we would have to wait 7 more weeks…
I know that in Bolivia they have a system that extensions are only allowed 1 week or 10 days before the expiration, but what she said seemed in contradiction with some of the comments that I read in here. So the next day I tried again and…yes, THE CODES WORKED THIS TIME!!! 🙂 We got our extra 30 days (31 days were not even possible in the system, so 60 days was far off).
My advice, be careful with the information from the immigration offices. Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are wrong. I don’t understand why they give out such a confusing, contradicting information.
If the codes of the bank don’t work: try the next day.
Doublecheck, try again. 😉 Goodluck. 🙂 Very happy with the new possibility of extending online.
Hi Sandra, and thanks a lot for the info. As you say, there are a lot of contradictions in the whole process, and some people at the immigration offices who simply don’t quite know what the correct procedure is. So yeah, if at first you don’t succeed…. Cheers, Tony.
I am a Japanese citizen and I was told that I could stay only 90 days at the Lima airport. Japanese information tells me that I can stay 183 days so it was a shock for me to find out that they only give me 90 days. Anyway, the airport officer told me that I could extend my stay and then I found your website. I paid the bill at the bank and entered the numbers and dates of the receipt to the online application form. However, it never worked for me. It keeps saying, “ERROR: NO EXISTE INFORMACION DEL PECIBO CONSULTAD.” I kept thinking it was just because their database is not updated. I waited for a week but I finally gave up and went straight to the immigration office (Av. España, Breña, Lima). Since I can speak almost no Spanish, I did not ask why but I could successfully extend my stay for 89 days within an hour or so. So anyway, thank you very much for the information you give here. It has been very helpful to guess what might be going on in their part.
Hi Yoshimizu. This “ERROR: NO EXISTE INFORMACION DEL PECIBO CONSULTAD” error seems to be a common complaint. But at least you managed to get it all sorted at the immigration office. Thanks for the update. Tony.
It takes 4+ hours for the immigration system to sync with the bank so you have to wait a while. If you don’t wait for the systems to sync you’ll get that message.
I’ve followed all steps, and paid the fee at the bank yesterday. However, when attempting to input the information from the ‘Banco de la Nacion’ receipt on the final page, am receiving an “ERROR: NO EXISTE INFORMACION DEL RECIBO CONSULTADO”. I suspect either: the systems have not yet synced, or there is an issue given that the bank teller input my “DOCUMENTO” as “9 OTROS-DOCS” instead of “4 PASAPORTE”. He had absolutely no idea and I had to give him all the necessary information – codigo, payment amount, etc.
I recommend anyone making the payment at the bank goes prepared with this information because it’s possible they have no clue.
Hi Michelle. Yes, I agree, it’s best to go with all possible information that may be needed. Sometimes the people at the banks have no idea what they’re doing (although there’s normally someone around who does, if you can get them to come over). Have a good trip! Tony.
Thanks for the detailed post. Unfortunately the online payment would not work for me, but once I made the payment at the Banco de la Nacion in Mancora, the online application only took a few minutes. I received an email immediately with approval status. Very helpful post, thanks!
On my computer ( using Chrome in the US) I was sometimes offered a choice of English from a pop up screen . Watch for it as it doesn’t stay popped up very long.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for a great bit of info!
I can confirm that I’ve just completed the entire online process on a UK passport and that it took a little over 3 hours. It’s a little clunky at times but it’s got beat trying to do it in person….
So here’s what I learnt:
1) register and complete the online payment first – the visa application isn’t saved and the website will timeout while you wait for the bank to interface with the immigration service (I completed 4 visa applications before it worked)
2) when you receive the emailed receipt from the bank the verification codes you need to enter on the immigration website aren’t obvious… the website explains what to do when you pay at the bank and receive a deposit slip. The details you need are just a selection of characters at the bottom of the first page (above the disclaimer but below the ‘invoice total’ field) – the fields you need are a little hard to describe as there are more than 3 on the receipt but here goes…:
The first field was 6 numbers and mapped to line one, field one on the receipt.
The second field was 7 characters and mapped to line two, field one on the receipt
The third field was a date entered via a drop down the website
3) It takes a while for the details to transfer between the bank and immigration – my first few attempts failed with an ‘no invoice found’ error, so grabbed a coffee and relaxed for a while… after a few hours it interfaced 🙂
4) as stated in the article the websites are all in Spanish… I tried to allow Chrome to translate it to English but it seemed to hinder the website functionality (especially date selection) so probably best to leave it in Spanish…
Now all I need to do is print the visa extension… and hope they’ll accept it when I leave Peru!
PS I wouldn’t leave doing this to the last moment as the systems seem flakey and you may have to revert to doing it in person….
Hi Chris. Thanks for the detailed info, much appreciated! Tony.
After a total of five hours (between immigration and the bank) on line I finally conquered the system and our daughter has her extension…yes,it is a miracle when it finally comes through! Thank you for your help and encouragement. At the end they asked me to evaluate their system…I recommended Live chat in English
Good to hear you got it sorted out. Live chat in English would be great, but I can’t see that happening any time soon…! Thanks, Tony.
I found the EE.UU category, added all information and this was the response: AVISO: NO EXISTE INFORMACION CON LOS DATOS INGRESADOS.
My Spanish understanding left me at CON so I don’t know what the rest of the sentence means. I think you can go to the site and just look at the nationality part as I went to that line first to look for EEUU before I added any of the other information. Thanks
For some reason it’s telling you that the information for the details you’re entering doesn’t exist. Presumably there’s an issue with the passport number or TAM, or maybe the number from the bank receipt. If you go to this webpage and enter the details, does it bring up the correct info? https://cel.migraciones.gob.pe/ConsultaTAMVirtual/VerificarTAM
This was absurdly easy and successful for me. I simply went to the nearest Banco de la Nacion (in Arequipa), asked for a prorroga de permanencia, gave the code 1857, paid the 11.70 soles, she gave me a receipt. I immediately took the receipt home, filled in the form linked in this article, entered the numbers from the receipt on the second web page, submitted, and it immediately said “approved” (aprobado). I first tried 120 days because I had originally received 60 days in Peru. It said that exceeded the limit, so I tried 90, which also exceeded the limit. 89 worked. My 60 days would have expired two weeks from today. My new expiration date is 89 days after the 60 days are up. A confirmation email was sent to me as well. This all took less than an hour.
Thank you so much for this article! Hopefully it will save many people the time and money required for a trip to Chile or elsewhere for a border run.
Hi Elise. Good to hear it all worked out so easily. Have a good trip! Tony.
I m trying to extend our daughter’s visa. When I go to the extension site there is no United States or American choice for nationality. She is in Cajamarca so there is no option for her to go to a local office. I even tried to search the TAM verification part of the site but they didn’t have a US choice either. She entered the country August 1, 2018 with a 90 day visa…asked for a longer one at the airport (on entry) to her flight date in mid Nov…they told her that, that was not available any longer. What is with no US choice for nationality?
That’s strange. I don’t think I can check on the site, as I’m a resident and I doubt it will let me look without entering tourist visa details first. Were the nationality options in Spanish or English? If it was in Spanish, was there an option for Estado-Unidense, or maybe just EEUU? Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony, my wife and I are travelling in Peru on our motorcycle which is registered in the UK. We have been here for two months and would like to extend our stay, including the motorcycle, for 90 days over and above the 90 days we were given when we crossed the border with Ecuador. Thanks to your site I’m sure we understand well enough the online process for extending the stay for ourselves but are unsure about the TVIP for our motorcycle. Bit of a long shot maybe but do you know how/where we could extend the TVIP for the motorcycle?
Steve and Janette
Hi Steve. I’m not sure about the process, but I think you can go to SUNAT to get it done. Or at least they should be able to tell you what you need to do. They have offices in most cities: http://www.sunat.gob.pe/institucional/contactenos/presencial_Lima.html (click on “Locales en Provincia” in the sidebar of that page if you’re outside Lima). Hopefully that should help. Thanks, Tony.
I’m on a motorcycle trip too. I tried to extend but you can’t. You can only suspend the importation of your motorcycle by keeping it in storage and the remainder of your motorcycle import permit will be added once you take it out of storage.
The website itself worked fine for me, and I was able to extend my US tourist visa from 90 days an extra 89, for a total of 179. The most trouble I had was paying the fee at the national bank. The woman had no idea what the document code number meant or how much the fee was supposed to be. I eventually just said I needed a receipt for the payment of 11.70 soles. I wasn’t sure it was going to work at all when I entered the code on the website, but it did! Maybe she was just jazzing me and playing dumb but go into the bank prepared with ALL of the necessary information. Once you do that the website should work smoothly and approve you right away.
Hi Abigail. Thanks for the info. Most banks I’ve been into can normally find the correct code for whatever thing you’re trying to do, but yeah, some have no idea. Glad to hear you got everything sorted out. Tony.
Hi. I had a terrible experience entering the country on Friday.I had previously been in Peru for 2 months,April and May. I asked for 90 days upon my airport arrival. The guy would only give me 30 days and said the law changed and a foreigner could only stay for 3 months a year. I told them no its 183. He wouldn’t budge and now aI hope I can get an extension. Terrible experience.
Hi Jason. Sorry to hear that. Seems like it’s a mess right now, although it shouldn’t be. The official Migraciones website still says it’s 183 days per 365-day period, so the guy you had the misfortune to get was either wrong or they changed the law without telling anyone (probably the former, but who knows?). Probably best to try to get the extension in a city other than Lima, it seems like it’s more relaxed in the provinces. Thanks, Tony.
This was the same for my friends. Sounds like someone wanting to extend the 90 days should do so online as soon as they get back in with the 30 days or before they leave? so in the system, it would show you had more than 30 days left? You may want to try to extend online. sounds like it has worked for others very recently.
Hey, I just had the same experience where they only gave me 30 days when I came back to peru. They said I could only stay 90 days and I had used that all on my first visit. i tried kindly reasoning with them that their laws said otherwise, but no luck. I’m halfway through the extension process online, thanks to Tony’s helpful article. Seems to be going well so far.
Hi Tony, Thanks for your work.
I have a friend who just arrived from the United States. I asked to see his tarjeta andina, He said he threw it in the trash. There used to be a fine for not having it when you leave. Is that still the case? They stamped his passport when he arrived. We’re in Tarapoto and there’s a migraciones office here so I can go there and ask too.
Hi Richard. Are you sure your friend even had a paper version of the tarjeta? Most people don’t get one now, they’re just “given” the TAM Virtual. Either way, your friend should be able to check his TAM status, and I think print out a new one, at the Migraciones website: https://cel.migraciones.gob.pe/ConsultaTAMVirtual/VerificarTAM. And yeah, probably easiest to pop in to the office in Tarapoto. They’ve been really helpful when I’ve been there in the past. Let me know if you have any questions/problems. Thanks, Tony.
HI Tony,
I was told by a Lima lawyer today that the law is now that you will only get a 90 day stamp and only over 2 trips. Have you heard anything about this? I am under the 180 days, but need to leave an come back…this lawyer made it sound like that they might not let me in at all even though I’m under the 180 because it would be my 3rd trip.
When I looked on the official website its still 180 days and doesn’t say anything about how often you come in out.
Hi Tina. It’s maximum 183 days per 365-day period. I’ve never heard anything about it being limited to two trips, unless that’s a new thing they’re doing. It’s all a bit of a mess still really. If you exit after, say, 160 days in Peru, then you should be able to argue your way back in for the remainder (or maybe two weeks), if they question you at all. I can’t really offer any definitive answer or advice here, just because it can all be so random. Hope it works out, and let me know what happens if you have the time. Thanks, Tony.
Tony, this post was a huge help! Thank you, I did exactly as you put it and received an extra month. My error, however, was that I did not note the code provided (1857) and went straight to the bank who told me to go to migraciones to receive the code. Of course this meant an extra hour and a half of standing in line, but it all worked out. Thank you from Trujillo 🙂 Besitos, Anna.
Hi Anna. Good to hear it all worked out. It’s strange that the bank couldn’t look up the code for you. Normally they just search a spreadsheet for it. Anyway, have a good trip! Tony.
looking for a visa Facilitator in Lima or Tacna. Lawyer or individual fine. Willing to pay someone to do the leg-work for me.
Hi David. The only one I know in Lima is Monteblanco & Associates. http://www.peruvianlaw.com/ Try contacting them. Thanks, Tony.
Update Tony with my Visa Extension.
In the end I went to Lima, and turns out my problem was that when entering the country, the Tacna border registered me as Dutch from Holland and not British from the UK. That may have been the reason it would not let me complete online. As i got to the office at 7 before it opened at 8. After geting four tickets and being moved around 4 different rooms to speak to people, once they had changed my nationality back to UK, they asked me how long I wanted more. I asked for the max of 89 days extension and 5 hours later it was approved and I got bus back to Huaraz! Success.
Ah, ha ha. What a mess! Good to hear that it all worked out in the end. Thanks for the update. Tony.
So today I managed to get an extension to an additionnal 90 days, so 180 days in total, going to the “Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones de la Republica del Peru” ( España 734, Breña Lima) without any appointment.
I had previously paid the 11.70 soles at Banco de la Nacion in Miraflores (close to the McDonald).
It took me 4 hours at the Superintendencia (queuing, filling a paper form they gave me on the spot, and queuing again). I guess it takes only 5mins for those who can do it online.
well my bad, I had switch “nombre and “appelido”…
anyway now I’ve a new error:
I think I ‘ll have to their office in Lima center.
Sounds like it, yeah. How many days are you trying to get on your extension?
Well I entered in Peru at Lima airport with 90 days so here I tried 90 days then 89 days then 59 days but couldn’t get any success
Ive translated the Spanish but it’s not clear to me what it means – Can anyone help?
What nationality are you?
I’ve tried many combinations in Generar Prórroga form switching my names/first name… but always got “AVISO: NO EXISTE INFORMACIÓN CON LOS DATOS INGRESADOS”.
Nevertheless I’ve checked in “https://cel.migraciones.gob.pe/ConsultaTAMVirtual/VerificarTAM” and it has found my record so I exist in their database.
BUT actually after link (https://www.perutelegraph.com/peru-information/legal-stuff/tourist-visa-extension-in-peru):
– first we have to pay the fee at a “Banco de la Nación” branch
– then once paid, go online (https://cel.migraciones.gob.pe:8081/PRPL/PRPL_Busqueda) and fill the form to get the extension
Am I right?
Hi John. You’ll find all the info you need in the article above. And yes, you need to pay the fee at a branch of Banco de la Nacion or you can do it online (again, see info in the article). Then fill in the form online to get the extension. You’re the second person to mention the AVISO: NO EXISTE INFORMACIÓN CON LOS DATOS INGRESADOS- problem. I’m honestly not sure what’s going on with that. It could be a bug in the new system I guess. I’ll try to find out. Thanks, Tony.
Well I get a “AVISO: NO EXISTE INFORMACIÓN CON LOS DATOS INGRESADOS” maybe because I didn’t pay the fee so far.
That’s possible, but from what I’ve read you need to pay the fee and then you’ll get a code. You then need to enter that code when you fill out the form. But maybe the system does check automatically if you’ve paid already or not (in which case, it would make sense for the system to give a message about the fee, not just state that no info exists). But give it a go after you pay, and let me know how it turns out if you have the time. Thanks, Tony.
Hi, i am trying to extend stay online too.
I am on Prórroga de Permanencia en Línea – PRPL
I have paid at the Banco today and have a receipt but no where on the form is it asking me for any information from that receipt
Hi Tom. This seems like a common problem. Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer. Are you definitely putting your surname and given-names in the correct fields? I’m assuming that you have to enter the bank receipt code on a separate page after you fill in your personal details. But if you’re getting the AVISO message, then something else must be wrong. Let me know if you get it sorted. And I’ll try contacting Migraciones again to ask them if there’s a known issue. Thanks, Tony.
Hi, yes I have tried all the different variations for my name, swapping last name with first and middle name changes etc nothing seems to work. I was not issued with a TAM visa pass as i entered by land in Tacna and was only given 60 days against a UK passport. That was on https://cel.migraciones.gob.pe:8081/PRPL/PRPL_Busqueda
Then I went back to the migraciones website and went to “online dating immigration – PRÓRROGAS – otros” which took me to fil out form PRÓRROGA PERMANENCIA
PARA OTROS CASOS, – as Turista – and it was a similar form where i had to tick that had done f007 form and made payment and have passport valid. I pressed next and filled out another similar F007 onlin form, which then asked me for the three bank receipt fields. It then automatically assigned the Lima office where it wants me to make an appointment, but has no availability all week and my visa runs out in 2 days. I think I am just going to have to go back 8 hours to Lima office unfort. Thanks Tony.
Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, most of the online systems that Migraciones have ever come up with are awful. Are you sure there’s not a Migraciones office closer to you? Check the website, most major cities now have an office and they might well be able to sort it out for you.
Hi, Yes hopefully website gets better. In other countries I have been able to extend at the local police stations. In Peru its the immigration office only.
I am in Huaraz and the closest is Chimbote. But as I only have one day tomorrow 29may before visa runs ou 30may I do not want to run risk of Chimbote not being able to extend it because the website using the second method is advising me to make appointment only as Lima site as the option. It is same price 30 soles for bus so is same price, bus is just longer to Lima.
Thanks for help and I will let you know how easy it is in Lima… Tom
Hi, I’ve been trying to do this all morning but I’m always getting -AVISO: NO EXISTE INFORMACIÓN CON LOS DATOS INGRESADOS- which makes me think they put my names all mixed up in the system. I’ve changed it up to what they could have put in but no luck yet. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had this problem?
Hi Matt. I assume you entered Peru with a TAM (the standard entry exit “visa” mentioned in this article). In which case, try entering your details here if you haven’t already: https://cel.migraciones.gob.pe/ConsultaTAMVirtual/VerificarTAM — (don’t check the “TAM Virtual de Salida” box). The details you enter on that page should be the same as on record for the Prórroga / extension. If your details are rejected on that page too, then something is definitely wrong somewhere. Let me know what happens if you have the time. Thanks, Tony.
Hi! Thanks for your advices! I just got my visa extension from the Migration office in Av. España, Breña, Lima. I had to generate an appointment, fill the form and pay the fee online! It takes approximately two weeks to get the appointment in Lima from the date you generate it.
I got an extension of four months, i asked until my flight in september and they gave me another week extra!
Hi Alex, and thanks for the info. It’s kind of strange, because the process you went through differs from what is now the official line. For example, no need to go to an immigration office, and also not being able to extend beyond three additional months (in fact, I was told by Migraciones that the extension must be for “less than three months”). So seems like they’re still flexible with the regulations, which doesn’t surprise me at all. Cheers, Tony.
I just did my visa extension online. this is not a simple and straightforward process but I got it done. I went to immigration in cusco and they told me to do it online. This link shows you step by step how to do it.
I received 30 days on arrival on an American passport. I tried to extend for 90 days unsuccessfully, finally after changing around the numbers, I got approved at a 59 day extension or 89 days total. If you try to extend online and keep getting error messages, try for 59 days
Hey Chris! When you extended your visa online did you also pay online through the website? I paid online using the instructions from the website you posted but then when I went to enter the “numero de recibo” and the other information it asks for about my payment, the information I was emailed from the bank did not work in the form. Did you have a similar problem?
Hi Julia. Did you manage to sort this out? Tony.
I just renewed my visa online and paid online. When you pay online you need to open the PDF file that gets emailed to you. Then look for the numbers that are near the date of payment. It is on the first page, not the second one with the payment information. It looks different to the example but it works
J just payed the fee in the bank today in person, and am now trying to apply online, although I get an error every time, saying “there is no information with the data entered”…
I am a little frustrated, as I want to get it done as fast as possible – I am going to Cusco in a week.
Did somebody have a similar issue? My visa expires on the 19th…
Hi Aysha. This seems to happen for some people. Probably best to go to a Migraciones office. You can do that in various cities, including Cusco and Lima. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony,
We tried in Arequipa two times but they didn’t accept us since we do not have Andean Community nationality. Thanks for updating this page and keeping track of this!
Thanks for the info Jimmy, that’s good to know. I’ll mention your Arequipa experience in the article. Tony.
Hi I am a Indian citizen. I have got a visa tourist for 30 days stay. I would like to extend my stay for 2 months more. So should I just tell the immigration officer at the airport that I want to extend my visa and pay the money, does that work.
Or if not should I just enter the country and go to immigracion and pay for my extension, or maybe I just need to overstay with my 30 days peru tourist visa and later while leaving I i can pay the extended overstay.
Please reply this is urgent.
Hi Joel. As an Indian citizen, I’m guessing you’ve entered Peru on a tourist visa that you had to apply for (in other words, not the simple Tarjeta Andina)? Is that correct? If so, I’m not sure what the process would be. Either way, you should probably go talk to someone at Migraciones, or maybe contact your embassy for more information. Also, read the info that I’ve just added to the start of this article. I might need to rewrite the article, as Migraciones might not — officially at least — be doing in-country extensions of the Tarjeta Andina. Thanks, Tony.
As usual good info. But ,,,,, The extension of a tourist visa once you entered Peru was eliminated with the new immigration in 2008. Since then it wasn’t possible anymore. Then last year after the introduction of the new immigration law, there have been a few rare reports that in very special cases a tourist visa / “temporary authorization to enter as a tourist” was extended at Migraciones in Lima when the full 183 days weren’t given when entering Peru. You now say no problem and point out the form F-007 and the Banco de la Nacion payment code 1857. If you enter the pagalo.pe website, where you now can make most Migraciones payments online, you will find under code 1857 among other the “prorroga de permanencia” as stated by you, but in brackets you find that this applies only “para paises de America del Sur, segun acuerdos bilaterales o multilaterales”. So to me it seems only South American nationals can apply for an extension.
Hi Eva. Interesting, and I’ll definitely keep this in mind. But I’ve met three people in the last two or three months who have extended their TAMs in Peru (I think two did this in Lima, and one in Tarapoto). A friend of mine, who is very obviously not South American, also talked to the people in the immigration office in Tarapoto about two weeks ago. He was given all the same info as above and was assured he’d have no problem. It could be a case of Peruvian laws being interpreted differently by different officials/offices, which wouldn’t be a huge surprise. But thanks for the heads up, and I’ll try to confirm all this again. Cheers, Tony.
Hi, I just extended online. It said the same thing to me. I just ignored it and continued with the transaction. My Visa extension has been approved. I’m a happy Aussie
Thanks Christine, and I’m happy to hear it worked out. Have a good trip! Tony.
I went in person to the bank in Cusco to get the payment receipt as it wouldn’t let me pay online. It said all of my credit cards and my friend’s credit cards were invalid lol. But then I was able to do the rest online after a few hours and I have 89 days of extension. I should have been able to extend for 123 days but I’ll take it. The wait at immigration was hours and hours. My friend who was with me doing the same thing still hasn’t been able to do do the extension online, it keeps saying she doesn’t exist. I’m U.S. she’s U.K.
Very helpful as usual, Tony. Quite the public service!
HI Toni
Great info sure it is !
Now do you know how it goes when one comes back to Peru after a first stay !
say from Bolivia
Not having used the entire 90 days given the first Time !
Thanks you so much
Hi Dan. You should be able to get 90 more days, because you’re allowed 183 days in Peru per 365-day period. Thanks, Tony.
My visa is going to expire in about a month or so, let’s say I travel to Argentina or Chile and re enter Peru. Would my visa reset after a week or so of staying in a different country? Thank you.
Hi Enzo. If you were given 90 days when you entered Peru, then you can apply for an extension (90 more days) online. Or you can exit the country and come back in, as long as you won’t be exceeding 183 days in Peru in a 365 day period. So no, visas don’t reset if you leave the country. It all depends how long you’ve already spent in Peru in the current 365 day period. Thanks, Tony.
If I have successfully receieved an extension of an extra 90 days am I allowed to travel on this? So if I want to travel in Bolivia for two weeks and then re-enter Peru am I allowed? Obviously all before the alloted days of the extension have expired? Thank you
As far as I know, yes, you can leave and then come back in during that same 90 day period. Thanks, Tony.
Hi Tony
I tried paying the Banco de la Nacion online, but I was not able to – can this be because it already says that Prórroga de Permanencia is only for South American countries? Can I choose something else, or would I need to enter the bank in person?
Hi Aysha. Best to got to the bank in person. Thanks, Tony.
I was originally given 90 days when I entered. I used 30 days and then left the country and when I came back I was told I have 60 days left. Before those 60 days ran out I received a 90 day extension and my application was accepted but the certificate of approval says that my extension has a start date (my 91st day in the country) and also has an “end date” which it indicates is 90 from todat. I was under the impression that I had 183 (in my case180 days) to visit peru within a calendar year but instead my certificate seems to indicate that my visa extension ends 90 days after my first 90 days. Do I have 90 days left from the day I received my extension (which would be in sept 2019) or 90 more days within the calendar year (which would end march of 2020?)
Hi Jonathan. I’m not entirely sure I know what you mean, but your second 90 day period should start from the end date of your first 90 days. It shouldn’t have anything to do with the calendar year, as far as I can tell. Thanks, Tony.